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"Terror at Blood Fart Lake" (2008) |

 Photo Credit: IMDB

by Bone Jawnson

    As I was sifting through Tubi TV a few weeks ago while I was building my viewing list, I stumbled across a movie called "Terror at Blood Fart Lake." I did some digging and discovered that it was a low/no-budget movie. I was thrilled, as I knew right away that it fit the bill for a Zombie Fuel viewing and review. The synopsis from Tubi is "a group of college students head up to their friend's cabin for a weekend of partying, but instead are pursued by a vicious scarecrow murderer." I thought that a scarecrow murderer hunting teens would be a fun watch, so I dove in.

    "Terror at Blood Fart Lake" is a no-budget campy teen slasher film with tongue-in-cheese horror movie references. From the boondocky mystery resident, Leo De Champa, who warns the teens about the lake and supplies them with "fuel" for their car, to the ambiguous caretaker Caspian, to the cornhole murders (you will just have to watch it), Nichola Fiore's character, Thunder Ambrosia as the warrior hero, you will be in horror cheese heaven. Each of the characters in this film presents as exaggerated shadows of horror characters' past. There are some nods to other movies in the dialogue and wardrobe (keep an eye out for the C.H.U.D. t-shirt). The scarecrow killer's dialogue had me cracking up, and I was particularly impressed with the kill scene involving the Thunder Ambrosia character; Overall, I enjoyed the writing and acting in this film, as it seemed like everyone was having fun creating it.

    During my horror and horror-comedy movie viewings, I sometimes come across low- and no-budget films that hold my attention more than million-dollar indie films. "Terror at Blood Fart Lake" is one of those movies. The in-jokes, characters, and situations were silly enough to work and make me laugh. In my opinion, these types of films show the true essence of why indie, low- and no-budget filmmakers and their crews continue to create. The love for the project and the process is shown in the final product. Making a feature-length film requires considerable dedication, concentration, and teamwork. I applaud director Chris Seaver and his crew and look forward to viewing the sequel later in the year. 

    This film is available on Tubi TV, however, it was cut from the original widescreen HD filmed version to a "pan and scan" version for distribution. This takes away from the director's initial aspect ratio vision; however, it will not affect your appreciation for this tongue-in-cheese teenage slasher film. 

Next up on my viewing list: "Microwave Massacre" (1979)

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